How to Pay for Your Campaign Signs

When it comes to choosing your campaign signs, you’ ll find that some of your supporters may offer to pay the costs as a contribution.

You can solicit donations by showing your supporters that their contribution goes directly toward signs, a proven method of increasing your name identification with voters.  If you can divide the entire cost of your sign program between three or four major contributors, you can pay for an effective program and still save the rest of your budget for other campaign needs.

It is very important when dealing with elections, campaigns and contributions that you handle everything according to the letter of the law.  The best way to ensure that you are reporting contributions and expenditures accurately is never to assume anything, and always research every action that you take.  Keeping records, even if you feel that you don’ t need to from a legal standpoint, can save you trouble in the long run.  If one of your supporters offers to pay for your campaign signs, it is important that you document everything, keep records and check with your local election officials regarding campaign finance disclosure.

Once you have mapped out your political campaign signs strategy, you will need to make an order.   It is most effective to purchase all of your signs at once.  It can be costly and will waste campaign time if you order twine.  Make sure that you account for as many signs as you need, and if you think you will need extra, then purchase them with your initial order.  This way, when you implement your election yard signs campaign you can place all of your signs at once.

To ensure the integrity of your campaign, it is wise to save all of your records and receipts, including those for political campaign signs.  By keeping track of all financial contributions and staying current with government election policies, you can protect the integrity of your political campaign.